#EnginAkyürek Dec.17 Old clip .... New share
Exclusive to our webpage, @adassuscristina small video clip with #EnginAkyürek Dec.17 when she delivered to him her book (Black Eyes)...
#EnginAkyürek #ÖleneKadar #FahriyeEvcen
How Puerto Rico fans imagined 3 Finals for Ölene Kadar ...They did great Spanish Link : https://m.facebook.com/notes/engin-aky%C3%BCrek-p...
#EnginAkyürek 's birthday surprise on several Turkish websites
Engin Akyürek’e hayranlarından sürpriz doğum günü hediyesi ...: 1) https://televizyongazetesi.com/engin-akyureke-hayranlarindan-surpriz-d...