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For complete stories with different subtitles :

We are all wise, the best eye, the best word to say, the most striking story to tell ...


We started arguing while we were fighting in the daytime to fight for it. Did we say culture or art, science, humor, literature or fantasy? Every sound is beautiful from every head. Let's break up then, everyone draws a summer for your head, then we have to meet you in the same magazine. In the end, we gathered together a powerful magazine as powerful superheroes. Our free-standing mind; we used to critically evaluate what we were going to tell, storytelling, and sometimes pouring. Maybe we can not be an Avengers, but we're all good together. In the first count, We thank our writers and artists who we are eternally happy for their associations with their words, writings, drawings, associations, and all our team who do not fit in the hands of our friends. We are small, we are an exciting family and we want to make a commitment to meet you in our magazine! With us, with your drawings, with your drawings; According to my head, you can contribute. This is for sharing @ kafasinagore. Just send an email to com'a enough. The next issue is to meet surprise writers and cartoonists kafasına göre!

Jan. 2019
İlim, İrfan
Scince, İrfan
İlemö İrfan.jpg
Nov. 2018
Ayni Yüz 
The Same Face
Sep. 2018
Bir Umut Saklıydı Yağmurun İçinde A dream was hidden in the rain
Jul. 2018
Karanlığın İçinde Bir Nefes
A Breath In The Dark
May. 2018
Öykülerde Buluşalım
Meeeting In Storeis
Mar. 2018
Kör Talih
Bad Luck
Jan. 2018
Bir Gece
Once upon a night
Nov. 2017
Bence Sefa
His Name is Sefa
Sep. 2017
Jul. 2017
Bizim Alman kurdu
Our German Wolf
May. 2017
Ahmet Oğlu Hasan
Ahmed; The son of Hasan
Mar. 2017
Jan. 2016
Kardan Adam
The Snowman
Nov. 2016
Gözlerinde Bulut Saklıydı
A Cloud was hidden in her eyes
Sep. 2016
Jul. 2016
Yaşlı Teyze
Old Woman
May. 2016
The Scent
Mar. 2016
Jan. 2016
Aşk Üzerine Küçük Bir Öykü
A little story about love
Nov. 2015
Içimdeki Çocuk
The child in me

Sep. 2015
Havada Anıların Kokusu Var    
Memories Smell in the Air
Jul. 2015
Bir Tebessüm Halinde 
As a Smile
May. 2015
Konuşan Kafalar 
Heads Talk
Mar. 2015
Düş Olup Düştüm Düşlerimin Peşine 
Becoming a Dream I followed my Dreams

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