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María Adassus biography & how she was inspired by Engin Akyürek who makes here type a story named "Black Eyes":

María Cristina Adassus, is dedicated herself to the literary world in 2009 writing "Life is a journey", a book never published. In 2010, she wrote real life stories, autobiographical stories and fiction stories. In 2016 she released her first book "Sin Límites", “Un-Limited” an anthology of ten stories. One of them, called “OJOS NEGROS”, "BLACK EYES between lights and shadows ", which had great publicity on social networks, so its author is known in Latin America, the United States, Canada, USA, UU., Australia, Spain and the Middle East, for being inspired by the character ÖMER DEMIR who was played by the famous Turkish actor ENGIN AKYÜREK in the series Kara Para Aşk. When undertaking a new challenge, today presents her first novel, "Black eyes".

"BLACK EYES between lights and shadows" This book is dedicated to all the victims who left their lives in the cruel terrorist attacks perpetrated in Argentina and Turkey, causing the unjust death of hundreds of innocents: civilians, children, adults and the elderly, police forces and tourists. A story of fiction based on real events. "Terrorism is born of hatred, is based on contempt for the life of man and is a real crime against humanity" John Paul II

I was not a writer, I was simply a writing enthusiast. My entertainment was writing short stories about life itself. One day I thought that if I wrote ten stories I would publish them in an anthology. Already at that time the fury of the Turkish series had begun in Latin America. Looking online for a series that I would like, I was surprised by one that had an unknown title for me, KARA PARA AŞK. The curiosity was stronger and I started to see it. He caught me from the first chapter and I was fascinated by the black eyes of the protagonist, ÖMAR DEMIR, played by a Turkish actor he did not know and whose name he could not pronounce, ENGIN AKYÜREK. Immediately a short story about an impossible love was born in my head.

And that's how my dream came true: I wrote the anthology of 10 stories in my first book, which I called SIN LÍMITES: "because dreams have no borders". Shortly after presenting my book, I discovered that this actor has millions of fans in the world and a fan page in Argentina of which I became a member. This page published the cover of my book with a brief summary of Ojos Negros, and, to my surprise, crossed the borders of countless countries, making my name also known. It was so that I became a writer thanks to the eyes of ÖMAR DEMIR, that is: ENGIN AKYÜREK. My thanks to that incredible causality will be eternal, because I do not think it was chance.

December 15, 2017 My encounter with the actor Engin Akyürek delivering to him my novel and my story translated into Turkish

To read "Black Eyes" in English subtitle, click here .... 

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